- 課程代號: 259025
- 課程名稱: 網路電話品質量測技術 (VoIP Quality Measurement)
- 授課教師: 吳坤熹
- 開授年級: 大三、大四、研究所
- 學分數: 3
- 授課時數: 3
- 上課時間: Wednesday 18:10-21:00
- 上課教室: TC-208 [*28 ext. 4492]
- 使用軟體:
- Wireshark
- X-Lite
- Linphone
- Audacity
- Foobar 2000
- Camouflage 1.2.1
- Download
- This software allows you to hide anything in a normal file,
including TXT, DOC, GIF.
- 先修課程: 無
- 課程目標: 簡介以 VoIP 網路電話品質量測所需之相關技術
- 評量方式: 作業(20%) 課堂報告(40%)
期中考(20%) 期末考(20%)
- 主要文獻: ITU-T P.800, ITU-T P.862, IETF IPPM Working Group Charter
- 參考書: Daniel Collins, "Carrier Grade Voice over IP", published by McGraw-Hill.
- 課程內容: (Syllabus)
- Introduction to VoIP
- Real-time Transport Protocol (RTP) & Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)
- Pulse-code modulation (PCM)
- Codecs: G.711, G.729
- Codecs: GSM, iLBC, Speex
- Mean Opinion Score (MOS)
- Perceptual Evaluation of Speech Quality (PESQ)
- One-way Active Measurement Protocol (OWAMP)
- 達成本系教育目標
- 配合國家經濟發展,培養符合資訊產業需求的工程技術人才
- 配合國家科技發展,培養具備前瞻資訊科技研發潛能的人才
- 配合全球永續發展潮流,培養具備國際視野、工程倫理、人文關懷及社會責任的科技人才
- 培養本系學生核心能力
- 具備使用英文閱讀資訊領域技術文件及學術論文的能力
- 具備程式設計基礎知識並應用於設計及實作資訊軟體的能力
- 具備團隊合作及獨立執行資訊工程領域學術研究的能力
- 具備撰寫學術論文的能力
- Selected Articles
- Voice over IP
- Quality
- Measurement
Dimitri Papadimitriou, Lluis Fabrega, Pere Vila, Davide
Careglio, Piet Demeester,
Measurement-based research: methodology, experiments, and
SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review , Volume 42 Issue 5,
September 2012.
- RFC 6076 - Basic Telephony SIP End-to-End Performance Metrics
- Data Hiding
Huaiqing Wang and Shuozhong Wang,
Cyber warfare: steganography vs. steganalysis
Communications of the ACM , Volume 47 Issue 10,
October 2004.
Bender, W., Gruhl, D., Morimoto, N., and
Lu, A.
Techniques for data hiding,
IBM Systems Journal 35, 3&4
Hal Berghel,
data, forensics, and anti-forensics,
Communications of the ACM,
Volume 50 Issue 4,
April 2007.
- This article basically describes the techniques for hiding
data on disks.
- In the introductory section it mentioned some interesting
tools like Loki, reverse WWW shell, Covert_TCP, NuShu on hiding
data in network packets.
- Camouflage software can hide anything in a normal file,
which still looks like a TXT, GIF, DOC file.
- The Metasploit project developed three tools to fool
popular anti-forensic tools.
Steganography Tools
- SilentEye on
- StegSecret - A
simple steganalysis tool on SourceForge
- Steganalysis
tools on SourceForge
Yana Kortsarts and Yulia Kempner,
Enriching undergraduate computer science curriculum with
steganography examples,
Journal of Computing Sciences in Colleges , Volume 28 Issue 6,
June 2013
- Mazurczyk, W., & Lubacz, J. (2008). LACK - a VoIP
Steganographic Method. Telecommunication Systems, December 2009.
- J. Lubacz, W. Mazurczyk, and K. Szczypiorski, "Vice
over IP", IEEE Spectrum, Vol. 47, No.2, pp.42–47, 2010.
Gustavus J. Simmons,
and Asymmetric Encryption",
ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR) , Volume 11 Issue 4, pp.305-330.
December 1979
Stuart Fox,
FBI: Russian Spies Hid Codes in Online Photos
", Msnbc.com , 08 Sept. 2011.
- Provos, N. and Honeyman P. Hide and Seek: An Introduction
to Steganography.
IEEE Security & Privacy Magazine, 1, 3, 32-44, 2003