Moment on a Timetable
Write a class Time to represent the time which you often see on a
timetable. Your class should implement the following methods:
- __init__(self,
Creates a time with the given string. The format of the string is
"hh:mm", where hh represents hours from 00 to 23, and mm represents
minutes from 00 to 59.
This constructor should initialize the instance variables
to store the input time.
- modify(self, d)
Shifts the time by d minutes. If d is negative, the time
is changed to a previous moment. For example, "13:15" becomes "11:45"
after it is shifted -90 minutes.
- delta(self, d)
Similar to modify(). However,
delta() return an object with the
shifted time but not modifying the object itself,
in contrast with modify() which
modifies the object without returning anything.
- __str__(self)
Returns a string that shows the time with the correct format, e.g.,
"09:10", "23:55".
You may test your class with the following main program.
def main():
departure = Time("22:54")
arrival = Time("23:36")
print("Your train departs at\t\t", departure,
"and arrives at", arrival )
print("The previous train departs at\t", departure,
"and arrives at", arrival )
print("The next train departs at\t", departure,
"and arrives at", arrival )
if __name__ == "__main__":
The result may look like
Your train departs at 22:54 and arrives at 23:36
The previous train departs at 22:15 and arrives at 22:57
The next train departs at 23:54 and arrives at 00:36