Sawteeth Drawing in Plaintext Mode

Assume that we want to write a program to draw sawteech in text mode as follows.

Please input the width of the sawteeth -- 5

There are plenty ways to design a program for this task. For example, you may use the statement print(" " * (N+i), "*") to print out N+i spaces before the star sign (*). Then by controlling the value of i with a for-loop, you can generate output like the sawteech shown above. An alternative way is to use the string formatting skills you learned in Chapter 5. Within a for-loop, you may craft a template string carefully, and use it to print out a star sign. By specifying the width to be N+i, and right-justifying the star sign, you can obtain the same result as the above figure. Try to run the following code and understand its output. Then modify it so that it prints out the sawteeth shown above.

for i in range(1, 5):
    s = "{0:>" + str(i) + "}"
    print(i, s, s.format("*") )