Dice Rolling (2)

Consider the following code, which will randomly rolling two dices. Each dice will randomly generate a value between 1 and 6.

import random
count = [ 0 ] * 11
for i in range(10):
    dice1 = random.randint(1,6)
    dice2 = random.randint(1,6)
    i = dice1 + dice2   # The value of i will be between 2 and 12.
    print( dice1, '+', dice2, '=', i )

Now please enhance this program, so that it will

  1. Repeat 100 times instead of 10 times.
  2. Count the occurrence of each value of summation, like
    2 - 3
    3 - 7
    4 - 7
    5 - 9
    6 - 13
    7 - 8
    8 - 19
    9 - 15
    10 - 10
    11 - 5
    12 - 4