國立暨南國際大學 105 學年度第一學期 期末考試卷
論 |
學系 |
考試日期 |
2017.1.4 |
考試時間 |
08:20-10:00 |
- (10%) Determine whether the following code has
syntax errors or not. If it is correct, predict its output.
If it is incorrect, point out the mistake(s).
# String Methods (P.142)
def main():
plaintext = "FCPPXOCYYECP"
ciphertext = enc(plaintext, t)
def enc(s, tabula):
ciphertext = ""
for i in range(0, len(s)-1, 2):
x1, y1, x2, y2 = findDiagonal(tabula, s[i:i+2])
c3c4 = getDiagonal(tabula, x1, y2, x2, y1)
ciphertext = ciphertext + c3c4
return ciphertext
def getDiagonal(tabula, x1, y1, x2, y2):
return tabula[x1][y1] + tabula[x2][y2]
def findDiagonal(tabula, s):
# s is a 2-character string
c1, c2 = s[0], s[1]
longStr = "".join(tabula)
p1 = longStr.find(c1)
x1, y1 = p1 // 5, p1 % 5
p2 = longStr.find(c2)
x2, y2 = p2 // 5, p2 % 5
return x1, y1, x2, y2
if __name__ == "__main__":
- (10%)
Determine whether the following code has
syntax errors or not. If it is correct, predict its output.
If it is incorrect, point out the mistake(s).
# Recursive Functions (P.468)
def anagrams(s):
if s == "":
return [s]
ans = []
for w in anagrams(s[1:]):
for pos in range(len(w)+1):
return ans
print( anagrams("book") )
- (10%) Determine whether the following code has
syntax errors or not. If it is correct, predict its output.
If it is incorrect, point out the mistake(s).
# Merge Sort (P.479)
def showList(nums):
for x in nums:
if x == nums[-1]:
print(x, end='\n')
print(x, end='\t')
def merge(lst1, lst2, lst3):
i1, i2, i3 = 0, 0, 0 # all start at the front
n1, n2 = len(lst1), len(lst2)
while i1 < n1 and i2 < n2:
if lst1[i1] < lst2[i2]: # top of lst1 is smaller
lst3[i3] = lst1[i1] # copy it into current spot in lst3
i1 = i1 + 1
# top of lst2 is smaller
lst3[i3] = lst2[i2] # copy itinto current spot in lst3
i2 = i2 + 1
i3 = i3 +
# item added to lst3, update position
while i1 < n1:
lst3[i3] = lst1[i1]
i1 = i1 + 1
i3 = i3 + 1
while i2 < n2:
lst3[i3] = lst2[i2]
i2 = i2 + 1
i3 = i3 + 1
def mergeSort(nums):
n = len(nums)
if n > 1:
m = n//2
nums1, nums2 = nums[:m], nums[m:]
merge(nums1, nums2, nums)
a = [82, 45, 30, 48, 61, 77, 2, 14, 98, 57]
- (10%) Determine whether the following code has
syntax errors or not. If it is correct, predict its output.
If it is incorrect, point out the mistake(s).
# Nested loop (P.254) and break (P.263)
sum = 0
i = 1
while i < 5:
j = i
while j < 6:
sum = sum + j
if i < j: break
j = j + 1
i = i + 1
- (10%) Determine whether the following code has
syntax errors or not. If it is correct, predict its output.
If it is incorrect, point out the mistake(s).
# String Formatting (P.154)
N = 5
s = " "*N + "{0}"
for i in range(N):
print( s[N-i:].format( "*"*(2*(N-i)-1) ) )
- (10%) Determine whether the following code has
syntax errors or not. If it is correct, predict its output.
If it is incorrect, point out the mistake(s).
# List slicing and concatenation (P.367)
s1 = [1,2,3,4]
print(s1[:2] + s2[-1:])
- (10%) Determine
whether the following code has
syntax errors or not. If it is correct, predict its output.
If it is incorrect, point out the mistake(s).
# File I/O (P.158)
def generate_data_file():
ex7_data = """klim:10 20 30\nmilk:199
oak:100\nred:200 10
joe:198 22\nmarry:20\njulie:2000"""
outfile = open("ex7.dat", "w")
print(ex7_data, file=outfile)
def main():
infile = open("ex7.dat", "r")
for line in infile:
name, numbers = line.split(':')
sum = 0
numbers = numbers.split()
for num in numbers:
sum = sum + eval(num)
print(name, int(sum / len(numbers)), sep=':' )
if __name__ == "__main__":
- (10%) Determine
whether the following code has
syntax errors or not. If it is correct, predict its output.
If it is incorrect, point out the mistake(s).
# Define a class for Polynomial (P.321)
class Polynomial:
def __init__(self, aList):
self.coefficients = aList
def __str__(self):
def needPlus(coefficient, order):
if order == 0:
necessity = False
if coefficient > 0:
necessity = True
necessity = False
return necessity
result = ""
cList = self.coefficients
for i in range( len(cList) ):
a =
cList[i] # coefficient
if i == 0:
expo = ''
elif i == 1:
expo = 'x'
expo = "x**" + str(i)
if a != 0:
if needPlus(a, i):
if a == 1: # i must be gt 0, because needPlus
result = result + "+" + expo
result = result + "+" + str( a ) + expo
if a == -1 and i > 0:
result = result + '-' + expo
result = result + str(a) + expo
return result
p1 = Polynomial([0, 0, 7])
p2 = Polynomial([0, 1, 0])
- (10%)
whether the following code has
syntax errors or not. If it is correct, predict its output.
If it is incorrect, point out the mistake(s).
# Dictionary (P.401)
def generate_data_file():
ex9_data = """klim 10 20 milk 199 joe 20
oak 100 red 200 10 klim 30
joe 199 marry 20 julie 2000"""
outfile = open("ex9.dat", "w")
print(ex9_data, file=outfile)
def main():
infile = open("ex9.dat", "r")
count = {} # Dictionary
sum = {}
for line in infile:
for item in line.split():
if item.isalpha():
name = item
if not name in count:
count[name] = sum[name] = 0
count[name] = count[name] + 1
sum[name] = sum[name] + eval(item)
for k in sorted(count.keys()):
print(k, count[k], sum[k])
if __name__ == "__main__":
- (10%)
Determine whether the following code has
syntax errors or not. If it is correct, predict its output.
If it is incorrect, point out the mistake(s).
# Key Function for Sorting (P.377)
class Student:
def __init__(self, i, n, s):
self.id, self.name, self.score = i, n, s
def __str__(self):
return str(self.id) + ' ' + self.name + ' ' + str(self.score)
def score(aStudent):
return 100 - aStudent.score
students = [Student(580, "Alice", 35),
Student(191, "Bob", 75),
Student(641, "Charlie", 76),
Student(813, "Dennis", 27),
Student(809, "Emily", 79),
Student(568, "Fiona", 65) ]
print( students[1] )