- (20%) Consider the following code. We want the output for
N=3 is
while the output for N=5 is
What should be expression (1)?
N = eval( input("N = ? ") )
for i in range(2*N-1):
j =
k = 2*N - 1 - 2*j
print(' '*j + '*'*k)
- (20%) Design a Python program which will automatically detect the
size of the window, and print stars ('*') like a snake, from the top to
the bottom, as shown
the figure below. To keep it
simple, you may assume that we shall not resize the window while the
program is running. Note: The cursor should be disabled while
star is moving.
- (20%) Consider the following code. We want the output for
N=3 is
while the output for N=5 is
What should be expression (3)?
String Formatting
N = eval( input("N = ? ") )
for i in range(N):
fmt =
- (20%) An anagram
is formed by rearranging the letters of a word (e.g., "hamlet" is an
anagram of "amleth"). A palindrome is a
word which reads the same backward or forward (e.g., "noon", "level",
"racecar"). Write a Python program which ask the user to input a
word, and find out that, among all anagrams of the word, how many of
them are palindromes. For example, if the input word is "noon",
the output number is "2". If the input word is "cccaaddbb", the
output number is "24".
- (20%) Imagine that during a war, we intercepted an encrypted
message "ESQ LZW XGJUW TW OALZ QGM." According to the
intelligence collected by our spy, the rebellious troops is using the Caesar cipher,
but we are not sure about which key value was used to generate this
encrypted message. Please write a Python program, trying to
decrypt with all 26 possible keys, and determine the key value and the
original plaintext message. Be sure to submit both your Python
program and the decrypted message.
- (20%) Design a
Polynomial class to handle polynomials.
- For simplicity, in this program we assume the coefficient of
each term will be an integer.
- Its constructor will take a list as input, For example,
Polynomial([1, 0, 3]) represents 1 + 3 X2.
- Design its method __str__() so that Polynomial([1, 0, 3]) will
be printed out as "1 + 3 x**2", while Polynomial([1, -3, 2]) will be
printed out as "1 -3 x + 2 x**2". A term with coefficient should
be omitted.
Test your class definition with the following main program:
def main():
p1 = Polynomial([1, 0, 3])
p2 = Polynomial([1, -3, 2])
- (20%) Inherit the Polynomial class defined in the previous
question. Add a method deg() which returns the degree of this
polynomial. For example, the degree of Polynomial([1,0,0,-1]) is
Test your subclass with the following main program
def main():
p1 = Polynomial([-1, 0, 3])
p2 = Polynomial([1, -3, 0, -1])
fmt="deg({0}) = {1}"
print( fmt.format(p1, p1.deg()) )
print( fmt.format(p2, p2.deg()) )
The result should be
deg(-1+3x**2) = 2
deg(1-3x-x**3) = 3
- (20%) Design a polyAdd() function (not a method of the class
Polynomial), so that polyAdd(p1, p2) will return a polynomial which is
the result by adding two polynomials p1 and p2. Also, design a
polySub(p1, p2) function to subtract a polynomial p2 from p1.
Test your class with the following main program:
def main():
p1 = Polynomial([1,2])
p2 = Polynomial([2, 0, 1])
print(p1, p2, sep='\n')
p3 = polyAdd(p1, p2)
p4 = polySub(p1, p2)
print(p3, p4, sep='\n')
p5 = Polynomial([2, 1, 1])
p6 = Polynomial([1, 1, 1])
p7 = polySub(p5, p6)
fmt="deg({0}) = {1}"
print( fmt.format(p7, p7.deg()) )