Date: October 15, 2013
Time: 14:10-16:00
Open book; turn off computer & mobile phone
(10%) Determine whether the following code has syntax erros or not. If it is correct, predict its output. If it is incorrect, point out the mistake(s).
# print()
for i in range(5):
print(i, sep=',')
(10%) Determine whether the following code has syntax erros or not. If it is correct, predict its output. If it is incorrect, point out the mistake(s).
# Accumulator
n, m = 0, 0
for i in range(10):
for j in range(15):
m = m + 1
n = n + m
# clone() and move()
x0, y0 = 100, 20
dx, dy = 20, 20
from graphics import *
win = GraphWin("Midterm Exam (1)")
for i in range(3):
s1 = Line( Point(x0, y0), Point(x0 + dx, y0) )
s2 = s1.clone()
s2.move(0, dy)
s3 = Line( Point(x0, y0), Point(x0, y0 + dy) )
s4 = s3.clone()
s3.move(dx, 0)
s4.move(0, dy)
y0 = y0 + 2 * dy