1. Time: Wednesday, 18:10-21:00
  2. Classroom: TC-208
  3. Course Name: PHP Web Programming (PHP 網頁程式設計)
  4. Overview: This course is intended to enable those already familiar with Internet to build powerful web applications and advance to dynamic, database-enabled, website/intranet programming using the popular web programming language. Areas covered include the fundamentals of JavaScript and PHP programming, client-server programming and databases retrieval.
  5. Prerequisite: Basic Concept of Computer and Internet
  6. Textbooks:
    1. Andrew Harris, " PHP/MySQL programming for the absolute beginner", Premier Press, 2003. (NCNU NetLibrary)
    2. Julie C. Meloni, "PHP, MYSQL and Apache", Pearson Education, 2007. (NCNU MyiLibrary)
  7. References:
    1. W3C HTML Tutorial
    2. W3C PHP Tutorials
    3. PHP MySQL Database
    4. A Complete Web Developer Course @ Udemy - HTML, CSS, JS, PHP, MySQL, AJAX
  8. Target Students: 3GP
  9. Upper-limit: 10 Students
  10. Credit: 3
  11. Time: Wednesday, 18:10-21:00
  12. Classroom: TC-208
  13. Required Software: PuTTY, Wireshark, VirtualBox
  14. Instructor: Dr. Quincy Wu
  15. Grading:
  16. Outline:
    1. [YouTube] Waterfall Model
      [YouTube] Requirement Analysis
    2. Introduction to WWW
    3. HTML - W3C HTML Tutorial
    4. HTTP
    5. HTTP - FORMs
    6. PHP (1)
    7. PHP (Chapter 4) - Loops and Arrays
    8. PHP - File Accessing
      1. View Source Code
      2. Image Index
      3. Mentee/Mentor
      4. Course Time Table
      5. Course Time Table (2)
      6. [HW] Statistics of Browser, OS, and IP address
      7. [HW] Log the time you spent on 1A2B
    9. Chapter 7 - Writing Programs with Objects
    10. Chapter 8 - XML
    11. Chapter 9 and 10 - MySQL Database
    12. PHP Editors:
      • PHPEdit, PHPStorm,
      • NetBeans IDE
      • Aptana - An open-source program based on the famous eclipse Java editor. Comes with a very solid PHP plugin with syntax coloring, syntax completion, and the ability to preview your programs directly in the editor. Especially useful for AJAX development, as it includes support for XHTML, CSS, JavaScript, and many popular AJAX libraries out of the box.
      • Maguma Open Studio - Another incredible PHP editor with many professional features. Can be linked directly to your local server, or used to edit PHP files on a remote server. Syntax coloring and completion, and other nice features are also part of the default setup.
      • DevPHP - An open-source IDE with the built-in integration of the PHP documentation, page preview, syntax coloring and completion, and many other very useful tools.
    13. Database Accessing (1) - Retrieval
    14. Database Accessing (2) - Update
    15. Term-project Proposal
    16. Web counter
    17. Graphic Drawing
    18. Internet Connecting
    19. Cookies
    20. ReCaptcha
    21. Term-project Prototype
    22. MVC (Model View Controller) framework
    23. Term-project Demo
    24. Final Exam
  17. Educational Goals:
    1. 配合國家經濟發展,培養符合資訊產業需求的工程技術人才
    2. 配合國家科技發展,培養具備前瞻資訊科技研發潛能的人才
    3. 配合全球永續發展潮流,培養具備國際視野、工程倫理、人文關懷及社會責任的科技人才
  18. Core Capabilities:
    1. 具備資訊科學基礎數理知識並應用於發掘、分析與解釋數據的能力
    2. 具備程式設計基礎知識並應用於設計及實作資訊軟體的能力
    3. 具備使用英文閱讀資訊領域技術文件及學術論文的能力
    4. 具備團隊合作及獨立執行資訊工程領域學術研究的能力
    5. 理解資訊工程專業倫理、敬業態度、環境保護及社會責任

Related Links

  1. Facebook SDK for PHP
  2. PHP | Codecademy
  3. Web Programming Languages
  4. W3C HTML Tutorial
  5. MVC (Move View Controller)
  6. MVC framework
  7. codeigniter
  8. Django Learning Guide
  9. PhpWiki
  10. ASP.NET Tutorial


  1. Courses Time Table
  2. Expense
  3. Time Managment
  4. Photo Album
  5. Phonebook
  6. MediaWiki
  7. Classroom Reservation
  8. Quad Chart
  9. Weekly Report
  10. NCNU Library (contact 黃光璿)
PHP eBook, Exended Reading, video, Term Project Activity