1. Why do we need a new Internet Protocol?
    1. As World Runs Out of IP Addresses, Switch to IPv6 Nears (New York Times)
    2. The History of the RIRs (Flash)
    3. Expanding the Internet: From IPv4 to IPv6 (YouTube)
    4. IPv4 Exhaustion [PDF] (3.3MB)
    5. IP Address in China (APNIC 2004)
    6. Statistics of IPv4 & IPv6 Allocation (TWNIC)
    7. Y. Rekhter, T. Li, "An Architecture for IP Address Allocation with CIDR", IETF RFC 1518, September 1993.
    8. Y. Rekhter, "CIDR and Classful Routing, IETF RFC 1817, August 1995.
    9. K. Hubbard, M. Kosters, D. Conrad, D. Karrenberg, J. Postel, "Internet Registry IP Allocation Guidelines", IETF BCP0012, November 1996.
    10. RFC 1715 - The H Ratio for Address Assignment Efficiency
    11. RFC 3194 - The Host-Density Ratio for Address Assignment Efficiency (An update on the H ratio)
    12. RFC 3022 - Traditional IP Network Address Translator (Traditional NAT)
      • This document describes the mechanism of Basic NAT (Network Address Translator) and NAPT (Network Address Port Translation). It includes sample code for checksum adjustment of TCP/UDP/IP/ICMP.
    13. RFC 2993 - Architectural Implications of NAT
    14. RFC 2663 - IP Network Address Translator (NAT) Terminology and Considerations
    15. RFC 3235 - Network Address Translator (NAT)-Friendly Application Design Guidelines
    16. D. McPherson, B. Dykes, "VLAN Aggregation for Efficient IP Address Allocation, IETF RFC 3069, February 2001.
    17. RFC 1918 - Address Allocation for Private Internets (BCP 5)
      Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) has three blocks of IP address space for private networks
      • (a single class A network)
      • (16 contiguous class B networks)
      • (256 contiguous class C networks)
    18. [Lab] Building your NAT box
    19. RFC 3927 - IPv4 Link Local 169.254/16 (Apple/Microsoft/Sun)
    20. RFC 3330 - Special-Use IPv4 Addresses
    21. RFC 1958 - Architectural Principles of the Internet
    22. RFC 2775 - Internet Transparency
  2. Chapter 1: Introduction to IPv6 [ PDF (3.1MB)]
  3. Chapter 3: IPv6 Addresses & Routing Protocols
  4. Chapter 2: IPv4/IPv6 Transition Mechanisms [ PDF (394KB)]
  5. Chapter 7: IPv6 Deployment & Programming
  6. Appendix: Internet Standards, Who and How?
    1. IETF Introduction
    2. S. Bradner, "The Internet Standards Process", IETF BCP 0009, October 1996.
    3. RFC 2223 - Instructions to RFC Authors.
      • Formats of an RFC document.
    4. BCP 22 - Guide for Internet Standards Writers
      • Characteristics that make standards coherent, unambiguous, and easy to interpret
  7. Chapter 4: IPv6 in 3G
  8. Chapter 5: IPv6 QoS
  9. Chapter 6: IPv6 Security



Related Resources

Term Project

  1. Netflow
  2. DHCPv6 stateful/stateless
  3. 6RD (IPv6 Rapid Deployment) on DD-WRT-based Home Router
  4. OpenRPL - Berkeley's OpenWSN Project
  5. Contiki
  6. IPv6 Routing Header