1. Course Name: Internet Protocol Version 6 (網際網路通訊協定第六版)
  2. Time: Tuesday, 18:10-21:00.
  3. Classroom: TC-208 (ext. 94334492)
  4. Required Software: PuTTY, Vim, Wireshark, VirtualBox.
  5. Overview: This course will explore technologies inside the boxes that move data round the Internet. These boxes are variously called bridges, routers, switches, and hubs. Instead of diving right into the details of one protocol, this course focuses on the problems to be solved. To each of these problems, various solutions will be examined and we shall discuss the engineering trade-offs involved. We shall also look at a variety of solutions that have been deployed and compared these approaches. When we design new protocols, we should learn from previous ideas, both good and bad. This course hopes to help you capture the wisdon about how to design a protocol.
  6. Prerequisite: Computer Networks
  7. Target Students: GP
  8. Upper-limit: 10 students
  9. Instructor: Dr. Quincy Wu
  10. TA:
  11. Credit: 3
  12. Grading Criteria:
  13. Coursebook: (Please download them on Moodle)
    1. Networking Fundamentals (5 hours e-Learning web)
    2. Introduction to the Junos Operating System (IJOS) Student Guide
    3. Introduction to the Junos Operating System (IJOS) Lab Guide
    4. Juniper Routing Essentials (JRE) Student Guide
    5. Juniper Routing Essentials (JRE) Lab Guide
    6. Juniper Routing Essentials (JRE) Lab Diagram
    7. Juniper Switching (JEX) Student Guide
    8. Juniper Switching (JEX) Lab Guide
    9. Juniper Switching (JEX) Lab Diagram
    10. WatchDox PlugIn
  14. Reference book: Radia Perlman, Interconnections: Bridges, Routers, Switches, and Internetworking Protocols (2nd Edition).
  15. Supplementary MOOC material:
    1. Coursera: Internet Emerging Technologies
      • Enrollment will be closed on September 17, 2018.
      • local copy
    2. edX Computer Networks and the Internet.
  16. Outline
    1. Week 01
    2. Week 02
        Chapter 1: Course Introduction Chapter 2: Junos Operating System Fundamentals Chapter 3: User Interface Options Lab 1: The Junos CLI
    3. Week 03
        Chapter 4: Initial Configuration Lab 2: Initial System Configuration Chapter 5: Secondary System Configuration Lab 3: Secondary System Configuration
    4. Week 04
        Chapter 6: Operational Monitoring and Maintenance Lab 4: Operational Monitoring and Maintenance Appendix A: Interface Configuration Examples Appendix B: The J-Web Interface Lab 5: The J-Web Interface
    5. Week 05 - JRE Chapter 1: Routing Fundamentals
    6. Week 06 - Chapter 2: Routing Policy
    7. Week 07 - JRE Chapter 3: Firewall Filters
    8. Week 08 - JEX Chapter 1: Layer 2 Switching
    9. Week 09 - Chapter 2: Virtual Networks
    10. Week 10 - Chapter 3: Spanning Tree
    11. Week 11 - Chapter 4: Port Security
    12. Week 12 - Chapter 5: Device Security and Firewall Filters
    13. Week 13 - Chapter 6: Virtual Chassis, Chapter 7: High Availability
  17. Educational Goals:
    1. 配合國家經濟發展,培養符合資訊產業需求的工程技術人才
    2. 配合國家科技發展,培養具備前瞻資訊科技研發潛能的人才
    3. 配合全球永續發展潮流,培養具備國際視野、工程倫理、人文關懷及社會責任的科技人才
  18. Core Capabilities:
    1. 具備資訊科學基礎數理知識並應用於發掘、分析與解釋數據的能力
    2. 具備程式設計基礎知識並應用於設計及實作資訊軟體的能力
    3. 具備使用英文閱讀資訊領域技術文件及學術論文的能力
    4. 具備團隊合作及獨立執行資訊工程領域學術研究的能力
    5. 理解資訊工程專業倫理、敬業態度、環境保護及社會責任
  19. Related Links
    1. Radia Perlman, "Tutorial on Bridges, Routers, Switches"
    2. Juniper Networks Academic Alliance (JNAA) , Learning Portal
    3. QFabric
    4. OnFulfillment
    5. APNIC Academy - Virtual Labs where you can log in and actually configure routers/switches hands-on!
    6. Online discussion on LinkedIn NCNU JNAA Group