Programming with GNU Software (GNU 軟體設計)

  1. Course Name: Programming with GNU Software
  2. Time: Tuesday, 08:10-11:00
  3. Credit: 3
  4. Classroom: TC-208 (ext. 94334492)
  5. Instructor: Dr. Quincy Wu
  6. TAs:
  7. Students: 10
  8. LINE Group for discussion: NCNU.Course.Compiler
  9. Textbook:
    1. Mike Loukides and Andy Oram, Programming with GNU Software, O'Reilly Media, Inc., December 1996. (244 pages)
  10. Reference
    1. GNU Core Utilities
  11. Evaluation:
  12. Outline:
  13. 教育目標
  14. 核心能力


Other Resources: