Homework 4
- Write a computer program that simulates a bridge function. Let two
files of data simulate frames transmitted on two LAN segments to which
the bridge is connected. To simulate frame transmission, read a frame
from the first file, then a frame from the second file, and so on. For
each frame, show whether a bridge will forward a copy of the frame to
the other LAN segment.
- Each row in the data files will contain 5 characters:
- (U,V): U sends to V
- (Z,-): Z broadcast
You may use these two files for testing:
請在工作站上用mail指令,標題標明"[CN HW4]
寄到"cn-ta@voip.edu.tw" 這個E-mail address.
e.g. mail -s "[CN HW4] 94321001" cn-ta@voip.edu.tw < bridge.c
- Deadline: 13:00 Nov. 20 (Thursday)