Homework 2

  1. Use Wireshark to analyze the packets sent from your NIC. Determine the manufacturer according to its OUI.
  2. Save the frames you captures in files. Check the list of all Ethernet frame types in RFC 5342 (BCP 0141). How many different frame types did you observe in your dormitory and NCNU computer classrooms, respectively?


  1. 請在工作站上用mail指令,標題標明"[CN HW2] 94321001",將你的敘述連同抓下來的 frames 寄到"cn-ta@voip.edu.tw" 這個E-mail address.
    e.g. mail -s "[CN HW2] 94321001" cn-ta@voip.edu.tw < echoserver.c
  2. Deadline: 13:00 Oct. 29 (Wednesday)