Chapter 17: File Processing
- cerr - standard error device
- 17.3 fig17_03.cpp - Creating a Sequential File
- L.12
ios::out can be omitted, because this is the default mode of
- 17.4 Reading Data from a Sequential File
- fig17_06.cpp - Reading and printing a
sequential file
- L.18 When trying to read a non-existing file, or when there
is no reading permission, is true.
!inClientFile is true.
- L.29 cout << fixed < < showpoint;
- fig17_07.cpp - Credit inquiry program
- L.65 clear() - so you need not close() and open() a file
- L.66 seekg( 0 ) - reposition to beginning of file
- 17.7 Creating a Random-Access File
- 17.8 Writing Data Randomly to a Random-Access File
- 17.9 Reading from a Random-Access File Sequentially
- ClientData.h - Same as the previous one
- ClientData.cpp - Same as the previous one
- fig17_13.cpp - Reading a
random-access file sequentially
- L.34 You only need to check either "inCredit" or
- 17.10 Case Study: A Transaction-Processing Program