科目名稱:資訊系統 與網路導論 | 開課系所:資訊工程 學系 | 任課教師 |
吳坤熹 |
系所別: |
年級: |
學號: |
姓名: |
考試日期 |
2009.10.16 |
(考試時間: 08:10-08:30)
(5%) According to the von Neumann model, _____________
stored in memory.
(5%) If the ASCII code for 'C' is 010000112, then the
ASCII code for 'c' is _____________.
(5%) If the ASCII code for 'D' is 010001002, then the
ASCII code for 'd' is _____________.
10 LET School_Name$="National Chi Nan University"
20 C = ASC(MID$(School_Name$, INSTR(School_Name$, "C"), 1) )
40 DATA 128, 64, 32, 16, 8, 4, 2, 1
50 DIM Bit(8)
60 FOR I = 0 TO 7
70 READ Bit(I)
80 IF C AND Bit(I) THEN K=1 ELSE K=0
90 PRINT CHR$(48+K);
100 NEXT I
120 END