C Programming (程式設計)

  1. Course ID: 210099
  2. Instructor: Dr. Quincy Wu
  3. Target Students: Sophomores, and a few freshmen
  4. Credit: 3
  5. Time: Wednesday 14:00-17:00
  6. Place: TC 208
  7. TAs:
  8. Prerequisite: none
  9. Goal: Learning the concept of object-oriented programming, and writing programs in C++ to solve practical problems.
  10. Evaluation:
    1. Homework (20%)
    2. Quiz (40%)
    3. Midterm & Final Exams (30%)
    4. Oral Report (10%)
  11. Textbook: Ivor Horton, "Ivor Horton's Beginning Visual C++ 2005", Wrox (February 20, 2006).
  12. Reference: MSDN for Visual C++
  13. Outline:

    Part 1: Object-Oriented Programming

    1. Defining Your Own Data Types
    2. More on Classes
    3. Class Inheritance and Virtual Functions

    Part 2: Windows Programming

    1. Windows Programming Basics
    2. Microsoft Foundation Classes (MFC)
    3. Working with Menus and Toolbars
    4. Drawing in a Window
    5. Creating the Document and Improving the View
    6. Working with Dialogs and Controls
    7. Storing and Printing Documents
    8. Writing Your Own DLLs (optional)

    Part 3: Database Application

    1. Connecting to Data Sources
    2. Updating Data Sources
    3. Applications Using Windows Forms
    4. Accessing Data Sources in a Windows Forms Application


  1. 3/18 Quiz 1
  2. 4/8 Quiz 2
  3. 4/15 Quiz 3
  4. 4/22 Quiz 4
  5. 4/29 Quiz 5
  6. 5/20 Quiz 6
  7. 6/3 Quiz 7

Midterm Exam

  1. 5/27 Midterm Exam (3)
  2. 6/24 Final Exam
  3. 6/29 Second Chance