國立暨南國際大學 97 學年度第一學期小考試卷

科目名稱:資訊系統 與網路導論 開課系所:資訊工程 學系 任課教師

(考試時間: 14:10-14:40)

  1. (10%) In contrast to a binary numbering system which has only two digits 0 and 1, a "septenary" system has only seven digits 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. In this system, 107 = 710, and 117 = 810.
    Convert the following septenary numbers to their corresponding hexadecimal representation.
    1. 127
    2. 347
    3. 567
    4. 227
    5. 257

  2. (10%) Perform the following operations in septenary systems and write down the result (also in septenary systems).
    1. 127 + 347
    2. 567 + 567
    3. 117 * 117
    4. 127 * 127
    5. 257 * 257

  3. (10%) Perform the following operations in hexidecimal systems and write down the result (also in hexidecimal systems).
    1. 0x8 + 0x8
    2. 0x10 + 0x10
    3. 0x11 * 0x11
    4. 0x16 * 0x16
    5. 0x22 - 0x19

  4. (10%) Using 4-bit allocation, interpret 1001 if the number was stored as
    1. unsigned integer
    2. sign-and-magnitude
    3. one's complement
    4. two's complement
    5. Excess_7

  5. (10%) Transform the fraction 0.14159 to a binary of 6 bits.

  6. (10%) Represent 3.140625 in 32-bit IEEE format.
    Hint: The 32-bit IEEE format uses 1 bit to indicate the sign, 8 bits to store the exponent (in Excess_127 format), and 23 bits for mantissa.