Matrix Addition and Transpose

Modify your class CMatrix and add the following member functions:
  1. Add(CMatrix B): verify whether the numbers of rows and columns of B are the same as the current matrix. If not, return a matrix with m_Row = m_Column = 0. Otherwise, add corresponding entries of matrix B with this matrix, save them in a temporary matrix, and return it.
  2. Subtract(CMatrix B): implementation the matrix subtraction which is similar to matrix addition as described above.
  3. Transpose(): return the transpose matrix.
    Note: Matrix B is the transpose of matrix A, if for all i, j, B[j][i] == A[i][j].

Test your class definition with this main program. Save your class definition in "matrix.h" and compile the program with "clang++ matrix-5.cpp". The running result may look the following. Please note that the calling order and numbers of constructors and destructors may be different, according to the optimization mechanisms of compilers. However, the results of the two matrices should be correct.

Constructor called for a 3*4 matrix.
Constructor called for a 3*4 matrix.
Constructor called for a 3*4 matrix.
Copy Constructor called for a 3*4 matrix.
Destructor called for a 3*4 matrix.
   3   3   3   3
   3  12   3   3
   3   3 101   3
Constructor called for a 4*3 matrix.
   3   3   3
   3  12   3
   3   3 101
   3   3   3
Destructor called for a 4*3 matrix.
Destructor called for a 3*4 matrix.
Destructor called for a 3*4 matrix.
Destructor called for a 3*4 matrix.