Define a Class for Matrix Manipulation
- We would like to design a class CMatrix to handle 3x3 matrices.
In general, the size of a matrix should be m by n, where m is not
necessarily equal to n. However, let us only consider the fixed-size
matrices at this stage, so that it is easy for you to start with.
- A matrix has the following private data members:
- A matrix has the following public member functions:
- Constructor:
- If no argument is passed to the constructor, it assigns
every entry in the matrix to be 0.
- If an integer n is passed to the constructor, it assigns n
to every entry.
- Get(i,j): returns the value of entry[i][j], where 0<=i<=2,
- Set(i,j,n): assigns value n to entry[i][j].
- Print(): print out the 3x3 matrix. Note that integers in a
column should be right-justified.
Test your class definition with this main program.
Save your class definition (including the implementation of member
functions) in "matrix.h" and compile the program with
"g++ matrix-1.cpp".
The running result should look like:
1 1 1
1 1 1
1 1 1
1 1 1
1 10 1
1 1 1
2 2 2
2 2 2
2 2 100