Introduction to Computer Science



Programming Environment

Tips for Visual C++ 2005

  1. Tools - Options - Text Editor - C++

Code Writing

  1. Draw a flowchart
  2. Prepare a test case so that you will verify when your code is complete.
  3. code should be written by pairs of programmers. the main programmer must describe the code to the other programmer. further ideas may be stimulated during this process.

How will your programming assignments be evaluated



Week 1 9/17 Chapter 1: Introduction to Computer 9/19  請同學先準備好向計算機中心申請到的帳號及密碼前來測試。
  1. Lab Policy
  2. Introduction to Web Surfing
  3. Introduction to Email system
    • Concept of client/server architecture
    • 介紹三種 Mail User Agent (e.g. Thunderbird)
華 視新聞雜誌 97/09/08 (146M) 7'50" to 15'00"
Week 2 9/24
Chapter 2: Computer and Data
9/26 MS-Excel (HW4 Answer) Quiz 1 
Week 3 10/1  Chapter 3: Number Representation  10/3 MS-Word (HW5 Answer)

Quiz 2
龍應 台:二十一世紀大學生的「基本配備」
Week 4 10/8 Chapter 4: Operations on Bits 10/10
Birthday of R.O.C. No class today.

Quiz 3,Answer
Week 5 10/15 Chapter 5:Computer Organization 10/17 Introduction to Computer Center
Quiz 4, Answer
Week 6 10/22 Chapter 8 Algorithms & Chapter 9 Programming Languages 10/24  MS-PowerPoint & Quiz 5,Answer
第1 集:本事,周杰倫成長記實(Youtube)
Week 7 10/29 Mid-Term Exam (1), 10/31 Mid-term Review
Week 8 11/5  Chapter 2: Data, Variables, and Calculations 11/7 Flowchart Drawing: 年 輕人職場求生法則--閱讀空氣
Week 9 11/12 Chapter 1: Programming with Visual C++ 2005 11/14 First practice on VS2005 & VS2008 Express

Week 10 11/19 Chapter 3: Decisions and Loops
英文版課本:Errata 勘誤表
11/21 HW11: Calculating Pi Quiz 6
Week 11 11/26 Chapter 4 Arrays & Pointer Example of "cards shuffle" and "decimal to octal conversion". Quiz 7
張鈞甯不當傀儡 勇敢做自己
Week 12 12/3 Chapter 4: Dynamic Memory Allocation
Quiz #8, Answer
我的學校是夢 工廠:美國頂尖學府的教育革新
教 出優秀的夢想學校(上)video
教 出優秀的夢想學校(下)video
Week 13 12/10 Midterm Exam (2)
MIT 媒體實驗室創新的5把金鑰
Week 14 12/17 Midterm Exam (2') Answer , Evaluation
5 種能力,打造競爭實力
迎 向未來的關鍵能力:品格教育
迎 向未來的關鍵能力:「動手做」的實踐
迎 向未來的關鍵能力:運用資訊科技
迎 向未來的關鍵能力:美感體驗
迎 向未來的關鍵能力:學習知的能力
Week 15 12/24  Chapter 5: Functions
印度 —— 兩條走廊改變世界
心 靈走廊,到印度尋找自己
台 灣IT產業在印度
印 度,貧窮中的創新
印 度,台商全球化的練兵場
Week 16 12/31 Chapter 6: More about Program Structure

Quiz #9
赫 茲:CSR,未來商機的關鍵
Week 17 1/7 Chapter 7: Defining Your Own Data Types Quiz #10
人生的最後一堂課,該 說什麼?
Randy Pausch Last Lecture: Achieving Your Childhood Dreams
Week 18 1/14 Final Exam , Answer



  1. Creating C++ Console Applications in Visual Studio .NET 2003
  2. 線上解題系統 (NKNUSH)
  3. Advanced Programming (NSYSU)