國立暨南國際大學 108 學年度第一學期小考試卷

科目名稱:計算機概論 開課系所:資訊工程 學系 考試日期 2019.9.19
考試時間 10:30-10:40
  1. Convert the following binary numbers into decimal values:
  2. Convert the following octal numbers into decimal:
  3. Convert the following hexadecimal numbers into decimal:
  4. Convert the following decimal integer values into binary, octal, and hexadecimal:
  5. Add the following binary numbers:
  6. Add the following octal numbers:
  7. Add the following hexadecimal numbers:
  8. How many distinct binary strings can be formed with n bits?

  9. Find the negative of the following binary numbers in a two's complement representation.
  10. Represent the following in two's complement form using 16 bits:
  11. What is the largest positive integer that can be stored in n bits with one leading bit reserved for the sign bit? Explain.
    Smallest negative integer? (Assume two's complement representations.)