國立暨南國際大學 100 學年度第一學期小考試卷                   (考試時間: 14:10-14:25)
科目名稱:資訊系統 與網路導論 開課系所:資訊工程 學系 任課教師
  1. (10%) What will the following code display?
    // character arrays
    #include <iostream>
    using std::cin;
    using std::cout;
    using std::endl;

    int main()
        char greek[5][8] = { "Alpha", "Beta", "Gamma", "Delta", "Epsilon" };
        // cout << greek << endl;    // This will print the starting address of the array
        cout << greek[0] << endl;
        cout << greek[0][0] << endl;
        return 0;

  2. (10%) Determine whether the following code has syntax errors or not.  If it is correct, predict its output.  If it is incorrect, point out the mistake(s).
    // size of character arrays
    #include <iostream>
    using std::cin;
    using std::cout;
    using std::endl;

    int main()
        char greek[5][8] = { "Alpha", "Beta", "Gamma", "Delta", "Epsilon" };
        cout << sizeof greek << endl;   
        cout << sizeof greek[0] << endl;
        cout << sizeof greek[0][0] << endl;
        return 0;

  3. (10%) Determine whether the following code has syntax errors or not.  If it is correct, predict its output.  If it is incorrect, point out the mistake(s).
    // pointer to char
    #include <iostream>
    using std::cin;
    using std::cout;
    using std::endl;

    int main()
        char greek[5][8] = { "Alpha", "Beta", "Gamma", "Delta", "Epsilon" };
        char* pstr = greek[2];
        cout << pstr << endl;       
        return 0;