Chapter 22: Standard Template Library (STL)

  1. fig22_05.cpp - iterator
  2. fig22_14.cpp - Vector: push_back(), at(), size()
  3. fig22_15.cpp - Vecotr: copy(), front(), back(), insert(), erase(), clear(), empty()
  4. fig22_17.cpp - List: push_front(), pop_front(), sort(), merge(), splice(), remove(), unique(), swap()
  5. fig22_18.cpp - Deque: push_front(), pop_front()
  6. fig22_19.cpp - Multi-set: count(), insert(), find(), lower_bound(), upper_bound(), equal_range()
  7. fig22_20.cpp - Set: insert()
  8. fig22_21.cpp - Multi-map: value_type(), insert(), count()
  9. fig22_22.cpp - Map: []
  10. fig22_23.cpp - Stack: push(), top(), empty(), pop()
  11. fig22_24.cpp - Queue: push(), pop(), empty(), front()
  12. fig22_25.cpp - Priority_Queue: top()
  13. fig22_26.cpp - fill(), fill_n(), generate(), generate_n()
  14. fig22_27.cpp - equal(), mismatch(), lexicographical_compare()
  15. fig22_28.cpp - remove(), remove_if(), remove_copy(), remove_copy_if(), ostream_iterator
  16. fig22_29.cpp - replace(), replace_if(), replace_copy(), replace_copy_if()
  17. fig22_30.cpp - random_shuffle(), count(), count_if(), min_element(), max_element(), accumulate(), for_each(), transform()
  18. fig22_31.cpp - Vector: sort(), find(), find_if(), binary_search()
  19. fig22_32.cpp - swap(), iter_swap(), swap_ranges()
  20. fig22_33.cpp - Vector: copy_backward(), merge(), unique(), reverse()
  21. fig22_34.cpp - inplace_merge(), reverse_copy(), unique_copy()
  22. fig22_35.cpp - includes(), set_difference(), set_intersection(), set_symmetric_difference(), set_union()
  23. fig22_36.cpp - lower_bound(), upper_bound() and equal_range() for a sorted sequence of values
  24. fig22_37.cpp - push_heap, pop_heap, make_heap and sort_heap
  25. fig22_38.cpp - Alogirithms: min(), max()
  26. fig22_40.cpp - Bitset: flip(), reset(), test()
  27. fig22_42.cpp - Function Objects